Getting Started

To quickly get started, simply point your favorite GraphQL client at (we like Insomnia).

There is no sign-up or authentication required and we do not currently enforce any rate limits. Go wild and show us what you build!


All queries can include optional pagination information. This includes a result limt, sort info, and an after cursor. That cursor can be pulled from the last result's _cursor value.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11input Pagination { after: String limit: Int sortDirection: SortDirectionType sortKey: String } enum SortDirectionType { Ascending Descending }



Frequently Asked Questions

Is this really free?

Yep! No sign-ups, no rate limits, and no tracking.

Can you help with X, Y, or Z?

Absolutely! Send us a message here and let us know what you're working on

Where can I learn more?

Check out our website, blog, Twitter, or simply reach out!